Saturday, June 16, 2007

He's Gone-like a steam locomotive rolling down the track

Date: June 16, 2007 11:47 AM

Well, got Eddie off this morning at 9 am. His flight isn’t scheduled to leave until 1 but there is construction on the road between Antigua and Guate City. Between that and the fact that yesterday was payday, traffic was anticipated to be heavy, so Rosenna at the school’s travel dept. suggested he leave pretty early. I’m just a little bit homesick for the pups and cat and being back in familiar circumstances.

ANYWAY, he’s gone and it’s a little strange to think about being along in a foreign country. I’m certainly used to being on my own in the US and Antigua has become very familiar to me, but it will be interesting to see how much I had been relying on Eddie to help me figure things out. The other thing that is making this a little strange is I’m back to being the only one in the house again. I don’t think there are any other guests expected until Crystal gets here next Friday. After the muchchacha (housekeeper), Cristina, and Elizabeth, la cocinera (cook) leave, I’ll be here by myself. There is a guy, Hugo, who comes on Sabado noche to be here overnight and there is another guy on Sunday, but essentially it’ll be just me. I’m sure it will be fine, but I have some retail therapy (terapia al menudeo) planned for later today just to help me transition.

I’m going to go out here in just a little bit to the Internet cafe and download this blog entry and one other, plus some pics and answer some email, then I’m going to bring the laptop back to the house and go back out for some of the above mentioned terapia al menudeo. I’m going to try to get as much done before lunch and then plan on staying in this afternoon and working on my Español and some flash cards.

Yes, unfortunately, the wireless de casa is still mal(broke,sick, bad). Looks like it will be Lunes or later before it gets fixed. No surfing in my pajamas until it’s fixed. Plus, I have to think ahead about what I want to do at the cafe de internet so I’m not wasting a lot of time typing things that I could have done before I get there, such as these blog entries and uploading pics and such.

So, I’m going to end this entry and write one more to upload. See ya in the next post.



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